Gotta Work the Wheels

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training


MR release – quads glute

Box Back Squat ➜ Goblet Squat ([8 BBS ➜ 12 GS] x 5)

◭ Focus on getting heavy on both.

◭ Go deep on the Goblet.

◭ Adjust Box height as needed.

◭ Minimal rest between BBS & GS
◭ Record your numbers in Wodify.



◭ 3 Rounds of ONE of the following:

∎ 10 Partner Hamstring Curl

➜ Lunge [2 Turf]


∎ 20 DB Hamstring Curl

➜ Lunge [2 Turf]


∎ 35 Band Hamstring Curl

➜ Lunge [2 Turf]


◭ Split

∎ 80 Weighted Glute Bridge with Med Ball

∎ 80 Cossack Squats

❆❆ Cooldown Stretch ❆❆

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