DeMoss Dirty Dozen

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training

Mobility 2- TRX complex (No Measure)

Foam roll glutes calves IT bands WINGS

TRX complex

Band stretches


12 TRX leg curls

12 sumo squats

12 partner situps with med ball throws

2 band sprints (each partner goes 2 times)

Repeat 2x

12 Sit up get up

12 trx tricep extensions

12 burpees

2 band sprints (each partner goes 2 times)

Repeat 2x

12 wall balls

12 alt TRX twist mod= band twist

12 TRX floor wipers RL=1 rep

2 band sprints (each partner goes 2 times)

12 RDLs right, 12 RDLs left

Repeat 2x

End workout with 144 (12 x 12) calf raises.

(At end, each person will have done 12 band sprints.)

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