Entries by Romen McDonald


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training Interval Choice of Cardio After Each Section Run 200, Row 300/400, Sled [2 Turf], 12 Lateral Step Over Slam Ball , 12/18 Assault Bike, Fight till Fatigue, Coaches Agility ———————- -12 Concentration Curls [Each Arm] -12 Close Grip push-ups [Slow Ascent] 3x ———————– -12 Trx Tricep […]


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training Interval 20-10’s [Each station do 4 sets] ∎ Band OH Squat ➜ V-ups ∎ Band Hinge to Upright Row ➜ Trx Row ∎ Bosu Mnt Climbers ➜ Lateral Burpee ∎ Skier ➜Jack press Reps ∎ Sled Run ∎ 20 Elbow Strike Back Plank ∎ 15 Low […]

Indifferent Caroline

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training Team work ◭ BUY IN ◭ Between you are your partner, complete 100 deadlifts Partner 1: # deadlifts (barbell or KB) Partner 2: Push ups until P1 is ready to switch ⤱ Switch, alternating every few reps until all reps are completed ⤱ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◭ 1000 […]

The only time is NOW

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training Interval ▬▬▬▬▬▬1▬▬▬▬▬ ◭ 25s Work / 15s Rest 1. Archer Pushup [R] 2. Scissor Bicycles 3. Archer Pushup [L] 4. Scissor Bicycles 5. Archer Pushup [R] 6. Single Side V-up [R] 7. Archer Pushup [L] 8. Single Side V-up [L] Lunges [R,L,R,L] ▬▬▬▬▬2▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◭ 25s […]

Squat 3.2

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training Pre-Exhausted Back Squat (30s/10r ➧ 30s/11 ➧ /12 ➧ /13 ➧ /14 ➧ /15) ◭ 30s WEIGHTED Wall Sit into Unbroken Back Squats. ◭ NO rest between Wall Sit and Back Squat. ◭ No more than 1:00 rest in between sets. ◭ Wallsit: Female 25#, Male […]

Indifferent Caroline

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training Team work ◭ BUY IN ◭ Between you are your partner, complete 100 deadlifts Partner 1: # deadlifts (barbell or KB) Partner 2: Push ups until P1 is ready to switch ⤱ Switch, alternating every few reps until all reps are completed ⤱ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◭ 1000 […]


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training Warm-up ∎Warm Up ∎ Coach Lead Abs [2 min] 7×7 (Time) ∎ Burpee ∎ BB/DB RDL [Heavy] ∎ KB/DB Push Press ∎ Double KB Front Squat ∎ Sled Run [Once] ∎ Pullups ∎ Box jumps or TRX Squat Jumps 7x ◭ Every 5 Min an interruption […]


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training Interval ◭ 35s Work / 5s Rest / 35s Work / 15s Rotate ∎ Wall ball Twist [Right] ➜ Wall Ball Twist [Left] ∎ Band Split Stance Row ➜ Tricep Overhead Extension ∎ Evade Strike [L/R] ➜ Evade Lateral Knee [L/R] ∎Bench Side Raise [Right] ➜ […]

Squat 4.3

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training Endure Back Squat (8-12-14-16-20) ◭ Start with a relatively heavy weight [70%] ◭ Try to stick with that same weight the whole time. If not suffering, by 16 set, add weight. ◭ Remove weight if failure is reached.◭ Record weight you finished 20 set with. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ […]