Entries by Romen McDonald

lean out

lean out Bootcamp 40W/20R Burpee to rope slam 1/7 Bound high knees backward ( width turf) Trx row alt pullapart band Y press 30/20 Reverse lunge alt rope slam trx tricep ext pivot slider https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zca2cq0i2TQ Shuttle run 3x Reps 30 Russian twist small med ball 12 windmill slams big med ball 20 attached band curls […]


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville – Squad Workout LIFT MTWI (add 1 rep every min ) B. barbell squat 8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15 on last min you have 1 min to complete the 15 Amrap for 12 min 15 R/Lband vertical adduction purple https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hwv7Uui1I7s 5 stabilizer squats on bosu Go BAREFOOT ! 5-5 hold-5 […]

You only live once

You only live once Pre-Workout https://youtu.be/HrVf4auKUZ8 Warm-up https://youtu.be/eDtBXboy58k LIFT 8-12 Front squat https://youtu.be/2RJIStaLWQQ 20-25 Lat pulldown https://youtu.be/6Gv3cq0QnZE 3-5 Neg pullups https://youtu.be/2V9USNE1wdk 3x 45 sec Wall Sit w weight 10 Sissy squat slow 3×3 cadence https://youtu.be/Xj328uAsXs4 10-12 Landmine Bent over Row https://youtu.be/lJjiKJbYXj0 3x 12-15 RDL https://youtu.be/eF1BpS_s-QU 12-15 Facepull w one sec pause https://youtu.be/ocsFf52Gfyk 3x Choose one […]


Ladders Mobility Mobility 10 sec band stretches 20 ankle rotations R-L 10 sec Hip flex-or stretch 2x 10 sec R-L TRX Crossover 2x 20 foam roll IT bands and Calf Ladder (Time) 10 chin ups 10 full burpees drop 2 reps till 0 10 Box jumps 10 atomic pushups drop 2 till 0 10 pistol […]


why LIFT MTWI (add 1 rep every min ) B. barbell squat 8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15 on last min you have 1 min to complete the 15 Amrap for 12 min 15 R/Lband vertical adduction purple https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hwv7Uui1I7s 5 stabilizer squats on bosu Go BAREFOOT ! 5-5 hold-5 cadence m Activation barbell pullups 6 reps 5 sec neg w […]


comrade Reps 45W-15R A. bosu crunch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN28BvDP0yA / bosu mnt climbers 2x B. spider web https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIcdDNRV2YA / karoke lunge 2x C. lateral shuffle- med ball slam 2x D. bench side raise Comrade (Time) 7×7 Team You go I go per movement 7 full burpee 7 overhead squat 7 V-ups 7 barbell pullups 7 Sumo High […]

Distractions (Bench – RDL- Shoulder)

Distractions (Bench – RDL- Shoulder) LIFT 8-12 bench press 20 ALt SL Trx leg curl 20 attached band pullaprt  4x  do a burn out set on round 4 drop 50% and do as many reps as possible 20 band upright row  8-12 seated shoulder press 6-8 RDL 80% 3x  extra credit 200 calf raises (fast quick) […]

killing villans

killing villans Interval https://youtu.be/_wNJcuw63zw alt knee strikes https://youtu.be/DEWmXPVUZlE punch combos  2x evade and lat  https://youtu.be/lNAjYCiouxk bosu squats https://youtu.be/593dZ1aU9Do2x 2x figure 8  https://youtu.be/Tffdb1JIu0w lat shuffle  2x  TRX Row  TRX ALT curtsy lunge     2x band slider reverse lunge R https://youtu.be/fG9rYlkl_qIL  L slider snow angle   lat touch n jump  10 grenade press R/L  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yYB1wIFud020 windshield wipers https://youtu.be/Hh1JlmWQ2_w 14 plate suplex https://youtu.be/hMSy_mc_B5A plate sled down and back  https://youtu.be/Hh1JlmWQ2_w […]


Whelelz LIFT walking lunges (one way)  wall sit- with 12 sub scap retraction  8 goblet squat 3-3 cadence 10 reps  3x  12 SL band glute bridge  https://youtu.be/rXtZxmyKwik 24 if cant do SL 25 med ball inner thigh squeeze  8 elevated sumo squat 4 down -3 pause -1 up tempo 3x 8-12 pullups 12 band resisted situps  […]

Ladders to Goals

Ladders to Goals Bootcamp 20-10 jumping lunges burpee 4x 20-10 trx squat high pull barbell bicep curls 4x 20-18-16-14-12-10 ladder Db Bench Press leg lift RDL inverted Row Card Cardio 1:30 – do remainder of time Spin Bike – diamond heart – rower or variation spade – run turf Joker- burpee