Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training
Deadlift Cluster (10 x 4 x 10s)
◭ 10 Sets of 4 Reps with 10s between each set
◭ Find a healthy weight and stick with it
⬍Pick ONE⬍
Use 70-75% of 1 RM
RDL Cluster (10 x 4 x 10s)
◭ 10 Sets of 4 Reps with 10s between each set
◭ Find a healthy weight and stick with it
↹ Transition Movement ↹
∎ 30 Banded Sit Up [Anchored]
∎ 10 Tri- Crunch
Cluster Floor/Bench Press (10 x 4 x 10s)
◭ 10 Sets of 4 Reps with 10s between each set
◭ Find a healthy weight and stick with it
∎ 16 TRX Bear Hug
∎ 15 KB Skull Crusher
∎ 12 TRX Hamstring Curls
Good4u Stuff
∎ 1:00 Pec/Shoulder Stretch[Each Side]
∎ 2:00 Wide Forward Fold [Against Wall]