Squat 3.2 [Reno 1]

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training

Pre-Exhausted Back Squat (30s/10r ➧ 30s/11 ➧ /12 ➧ /13 ➧ /14 ➧ /15)

◭ 30s WEIGHTED Wall Sit into Unbroken Back Squats.

◭ NO rest between Wall Sit and Back Squat.

◭ No more than 1:00 rest in between sets.
Record Last Squat Weight Used


↹ Transition Movement ↹ (AMRAP – Reps)

▪️50 Band Pullapart [Unbroken]


◭ 8:00 EMOM [Decrease by 1 Rep each time you repeat that side]

◭ DB/KB Weighted

M1: 20 Pulse Lunges [Right]

M2: 20 Pulse Lunges [Left]

M3: 19 Pulse Lunges [Right]

M4: 19 Pulse Lunges [Left]

➜ Continue this pattern for 8:00



∎ 15 Band/DB Hamstring Curl

∎ 15 Attached Band Glute Kickback

∎ 15 Deadstop KB Swings


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