Rise and Grind

Rise and Grind

20 low back ext
20 foam roll IT Bands amd Quads
practice band Situp twist https://youtu.be/vvxCbwsOjAs

Interval https://youtu.be/_wNJcuw63zw
25 sec R/L Side oblique raise R/L 2x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQHMuKEjI5c&feature=youtu.be
25 sec side situp R/L 2x https://youtu.be/Rwrlconkv98
25 sec scissor clap 2x https://youtu.be/S4TtK1dscYY

Interval https://youtu.be/_wNJcuw63zw
60-20 (at failure move to / exercise)
sea saw press / squat press
jumping pullup/ band ss row
TRX pushup/ trx tricep ext
band twist and sit up R (next round to left ) 3rd round do band sit ups https://youtu.be/jvap2SRG72I

A-D Burpee KB swing Ladder Ladder (Time)
1 full burpee
10 kb swings
2 full burpee
9 kb swings
and so forth

75 calf raises (25 pigeon toed -25 duck footed -25neutral

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