Pull, Press, Arm
Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training
Trap Bar/ BB Pendlay Row (3×12)
◭ Brace Core EVERY rep. Set Weight Down each rep.
◭ Use platforms as needed to get healthy back position.
◭ After 20 BB/ Banded Rear Delt Kick Back
∎ 12 L Sit DB Press
∎ 6 Oblique Sit-ups [Each Side]
∎ 12 TRX Tricep Ext [Slow]
∎ 15 BB Curls [ Slow Descent]
∎ 15/22 Cal on Bike All Out 1x only
∎ 5/4/3 DB Snatch to Liberty Walk [1 Turf]
◭ Do 5 Snatches on 1 Side then Walk