Pull 4.0

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training


Double Grip Landmine Row (5sX8r)

◭ Contract Back Muscles, not arms

◭ Tap the Ground Each Pull

◭ Record Heaviest Set of 8
◭ 12 Dumbbell Lateral Raise Between Each Set

Pull-ups (10s x MAX)

◭ Hardest Type of Pullup you can do.

◭ 10 sets of max effort MAX reps.

◭ Sets 6-10 do Chinups

◭ Record the most pullups you did in 1 Set.
◭ Sled Run between each set [1 Turf]



∎ 100 KB Swings

∎ 50 Gear Shift Plank [Each Side]

∎ 25 Plate Halo Both Directions]

❆ Cooldown Stretch ❆

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