Post T-DAy Calorie Killer

Squad Fitness Gardendale – Group Training


◭ 20W/10R or 4:00 AMRAP

◭ 20/10 x8

∎ Assault Bike

∎ Pushups


◭ 3:50 AMRAP

∎ 30sec Wall Sit

∎ 7 Goblet Squats

∎ 3 Burpee


◭ 20/10 x8

∎ TRX Row

∎ TRX Jump Squats


◭ 3:50 AMRAP

∎ 10 Slider Leg Curls

∎ 15 KB Swings


◭ 20/10 x8

∎ Sit Ups

∎ Wall Ball


◭ 3:50 AMRAP

∎ 10 KB Rows[Each]

∎ 5 Six Inch Reverse Crunch[3s Hold]

∎ 10 Bicycle Flutter [Total]


◭ 20/10 x8

∎ Jack Press

∎ In-Out Jumps


◭ 6:00 Gobble Hobble Callout [High Knees to each]

∎ GOBBLE! = 1 Burpee

∎ Potatoes = 2:00 Plank

∎ Crab legs = Sled Run [2 Turf]

∎ Peach Cobbler = 30 Glute Bridges

∎ Dressing = 30/45 Pushups

∎ Turkey = Duck Walk [2 Turf]

∎ Ham = 50 Jumping Jacks

∎ Rolls = 10 Polish Sausage [Total]

∎ Cranberry Sauce = 40 Forward Back Jumps[Total]

◭ INDIAN RUN – Get in a single file line outside and start jogging at an easy pace. Have the person in the back of the line run to the front of the line, taking lead of the group. Once they’re in front, have the person who is now last in line run to the front. Continue this pattern. [may need to separate into faster groups]


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