Nintendo All Stars
Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training
Nintendo All Stars (Time)
∎ 8 Mario Jumps R&L [reverse lunge and jump]
∎ 12 Donkey Kong slams [Jump and med ball slam]
∎ 25 Yoshi Mountain Climbers [with sliders]
∎ 3 Sonic Runs [10 high knees to a suicide run]
∎ 15 Peach’s plié Squat [sumo squats with KB]
∎ 20 Diddy Kong Jumping Pull-ups
∎ 5 Bowser Presses [heavy clean & press]
decide more cardio and abs
arms and abs
∎ spin bike hill 90 sec
∎ 50 bicycle crunches
inner outer thigh
∎ 15 l band adduction
∎ band walk horizontal turf 2x
∎ 10 glute bridge with 2 inner thigh squeezes at top