Hangover Hoedown 2022
Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training
Hangover Hoedown
◭ For obvious reasons, there are 2,022 point that need to be earned to complete this workout. Each movement has a certain number of points assigned to it. Add up your points as you go or gameplan before hand what all you are going to do. You pick. 01:15:00 Time Cap.
◭ Goodluck and WELCOME Squad 2022!
∎ Run [0.5 pts/meter] [Ask coach how far things are]
∎ Bike [4 pts/cal]
∎ Pushup [2 pt]
∎ Twisting Situp [2 pts]
∎ Crunch [1 pt]
∎ Air Squat [1 pt]
∎ Lunge [1 pt/lunge]
∎ Overhead Plate Lunges [3 pts/Lunge]
∎ Burpee [5 pts]
∎ Reverse Burpee [5 pts]
∎ Bear Crawl [20 pts/Turf]
∎ Crab Walk [25 pts/Turf]
∎ Downdog to Cobra [5 pts]
∎ Pullup [7 pts]
∎ Windmill Medball Slam [1 pt/slam]
∎ Wallball [7 pts]
∎ Weighted Sit-up [3 pts]
∎ Back Squat @ 1/2 BW [7 pts]
∎ Front Squat @ 1/3 BW [7 pts]
∎ BB Thruster [10 pts] [1/4BW M][1/5BW F]
∎ BB Push Press [5 pts] [1/4BW M][1/5BW F]
∎ Goblet Squat [5 pts] [1/4BW M][1/5BW F]
∎ Floor Press [7 pts]
∎ Barbell Curls [5 pts]
∎ KB Farmer Carry [1pt/meter] [F:Black/M:Blue]
∎ DB Renegade Row [2 pts/Row]
∎ OH Band Tricep Extension [2pts]
∎ Calf Raise [1 pt]
∎ Tib Raise [3 pts]