
Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training

Pick you Favorite

◭ 8:00 AMRAP

◭ Combine your favorite strength move with favorite Ab move

◭ 8-12 reps for Strength / 20 reps for Abs

∎ Squat/DeadLift/RDL/Pullups/OH Press/Bench Press/Dips/ Curls/ Rows ETC…

Comrade (Time)

◭ I go, You go
◭ Alternate doing every other movements through the following movements,
with ONE person working at a time.

∎ 7 Burpee
∎ 7 Overhead Squat
∎ 7 Overhead Weighted Sit-up [Feet Anchor]
∎ 7 Barbell Inverted Row
∎ 7 TRX Hip Toss [Each]
∎ 7 DB/BB Thruster
∎ Horizontal Thrusters [1 Turf] [Can Assist]
7x as a team
∎ Run 800m together!
◭ When back, Crunch until last team finishes run!

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