turn and burn

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout


Save me 16 AmRap

A. 20 R/L band twist – bag side kicks R/L 2x

B. reverse grip Row (pace under 2:20/2:00) – (on tramp) 50 jumping jacks- 100 fake jump rope – 20 bench crunches (on tramp) 1x

C. spin in reverse heavy tension (swap between stand and seated) – 20 plank seasaw 2/2 cadence – 20 alt leg curl 2/2 cadence 1x


side kicks https://youtu.be/0BNQ544SqU0

bench crunches https://youtu.be/sVrMTuttiTU

alt leg curl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Mo-bpCQUtc

plank seasaw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBtJ_7fFWgk

Cardio Obstacle (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

obstacle 20 AmRap

30 Russian twist

15 wallball

weave in out of bags / lat shuffle 4x

sled press

run 300

30 db skiers

row 250

weave https://youtu.be/FNw36rI6hFs


sled press https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYZzUgehF-E

skier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLh-14B8QRA
weave https://youtu.be/FNw36rI6hFs

sled press https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYZzUgehF-E

skier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLh-14B8QRA


50 kb good morning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJXFS7KkUcg


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout


(Ladies rotate with 4 total sets )

12-15 Ladies DB leg curl https://youtu.be/agTBLStNriw

6-8 reps Deloaded squats https://youtu.be/_rh_CEGYs6Y

15 R/L vertical band adduction https://youtu.be/v7MAF1Xu7Ug


Section 2

12 landmine curtsy lunge R/L https://youtu.be/8JPLzaNhbNc

20 band glute bridge https://youtu.be/rXtZxmyKwik


Fellas finish each exercise before moving on bench before moving on w 3 sets with 45 sec rest between

3-5 bench press 3x

6-8 reps De-loaded squats 3x

10-12 Land mine undertaker Row R-L 3x https://youtu.be/YmboaqtRxHs

Section 2 Rest Pause Set? https://youtu.be/Iw2FDkV3zx0

Rest Pause set of Squats 6-4-2 rest 15 sec in between

Rest Pause set of Bench 10-8-6 (guy only)

Rest Pause of behind neck pullups to Failure https://youtu.be/wPt9t0qKwFE

Thrive (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 min Amrap

4 manmaker 15/30 https://youtu.be/wibFFhTAYtY

Turf > TRX sled Row – 1.5x BW https://youtu.be/sqtAch-2e-E

30 kb swing

Run 300

poker player

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout


Pick exercise or set choice and receive random card when completed

30 min Amrap

Buy in (no cards awarded ) hold plank for 2 min – if drop stop (time stops)


run 400

variable row 500 https://youtu.be/zCRACO-wXng

6 heave and retrieve (run back to start with ball) [create barrier] https://youtu.be/UpVG0ShoC54

Spin Up 1 min Sprint seated 1 min


24 landmine twist (deaceleration) https://youtu.be/ndtohBr8sgI

12 landmine V-ups https://youtu.be/SE-4RiVNJLo

10 kb pass R-L https://youtu.be/xX2UxdnJd2A

12 renegade rows https://youtu.be/drqmsP05-uE

100 calf raises (25 in-25 out 25 neutral)

100 crunches


75 band tricep pushdowns https://youtu.be/WSOQazmtFLo

75 crunches


50 trx tricep ext

50 trx mnt climber (slow)

[ Arms ]

12 Seated Alt DB curl (go heavy)

suicide (3 touches)



60 Band triceps kickback https://youtu.be/gKKDgArjwFo

60 band core stick curl


Death By Sled (AMRAP – Reps)

Do sled push 1 way with Body weight (restart every 45 sec )

Death By Rower (Distance)

EMOM row 150 meters add 10 m ER

( so round 2 160m round 3 170m ) until failure score last completed m

Death By burppes (AMRAP – Reps)

Death by burppes start with 10 burppes add a burpee every min score last completed round of burpee

Death by Wall Ball (AMRAP – Reps)

Start with 12 Wall Ball shots add 1 rep every round

Score the reps of last completed round

Death by pushups (AMRAP – Reps)

use pushups handle grip or DBs touch chest to cone

start w 10/15 reps add 2 pushup every min until failure

score last completed round of push-ups


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout


MR release Quads- Glutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrVf4auKUZ8



child’s pose (cross R over L and vice versa )

hip flexor

downward dog (pivot the toes hips )

shoulder retraction


quad alt arm foot

rotational twist



10-12 Retraction press https://youtu.be/ZdMTY6V9p10

8-12 Pistol Squat https://youtu.be/H0QMP81ai48

12-15 Slate Raise


6-8 roman press https://youtu.be/3grQfXZh5sU

8 Liberty Step Up R/L Contralateral

12-15 seated band row


12-15 Band Lat Pull (seated on box) https://youtu.be/dUl6c5ggIGI

2x reverse sled pull https://youtu.be/zG66dr9Clo8

15 Monkey Squats


Death By Sled (AMRAP – Reps)

Do sled push 1 way with Body weight (restart every 45 sec )

Death By Rower (Distance)

EMOM row 150 meters add 10 m ER

( so round 2 160m round 3 170m ) until failure score last completed m

Death By burppes (AMRAP – Reps)

Death by burppes start with 10 burppes add a burpee every min score last completed round of burpee


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout


sub scapular pushup

pull apart supp grip

inner thigh to hamstring


knee hugs


rotational twist

RDL warm up set


RDL 12-8-8-12 Rep by round https://youtu.be/eF1BpS_s-QU

12-15 DB read delt raises

20 bar sissors then 10 leg lifts https://youtu.be/PnwKpalgIhs


Interval https://youtu.be/_wNJcuw63zw


2 double kb row clean press R/L https://youtu.be/CCHfgo6DQ3M

trx power pull / trx curl https://youtu.be/D8S_x8D6BWU

alt rope wave w squat https://youtu.be/EwX2gSXT6xc

lateral shufflle to 3 med ball slam


15-20 inner thigh slider R/L https://youtu.be/udeCPEQvBN4

attached band bicycle crunch https://youtu.be/ljYMFGuDgeQ

50 snakes (uses abs!) https://youtu.be/7W9BM0rjUVc

spin 90 sec hill


Death By Sled (AMRAP – Reps)

Do sled push 1 way with Body weight (restart every 45 sec )

Death By Rower (Distance)

EMOM row 150 meters add 10 m ER

( so round 2 160m round 3 170m ) until failure score last completed m

Death By burppes (AMRAP – Reps)

Death by burppes start with 10 burppes add a burpee every min score last completed round of burpee

Death by Wall Ball (AMRAP – Reps)

Start with 12 Wall Ball shots add 1 rep every round

Score the reps of last completed round

Death by pushups (AMRAP – Reps)

use pushups handle grip or DBs touch chest to cone

start w 10/15 reps add 2 pushup every min until failure

score last completed round of push-ups


bench low back

hip flexors


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout


pullups to failure

20 lat pulldown https://youtu.be/dUl6c5ggIGI

( Do 1 Drop set every round)

6-8 bench press @ 75-80%

drop to 60-55 % then immediately do another set of 6-8

Down and back Turf

FWD lunges https://youtu.be/xlkeTAkebMc


extra credit

10 SL glute bridge

10 plankster https://youtu.be/G1NgVYQIyIk


Interval 20/10

jumping band row https://youtu.be/MFeqS54Evys

full burpee


pick 1 way to die

Death By Rower (Distance)

EMOM row 150 meters add 10 m ER

( so round 2 160m round 3 170m ) until failure score last completed m

Death By burppes (AMRAP – Reps)

Death by burppes start with 10 burppes add a burpee every min score last completed round of burpee

Death by pushups (AMRAP – Reps)

use pushups handle grip or DBs touch chest to cone

start w 10/15 reps add 2 pushup every min until failure

score last completed round of push-ups

Death By Sled (AMRAP – Reps)

Do sled push 1 way with Body weight (restart every 45 sec )

Death by Wall Ball (AMRAP – Reps)

Start with 12 Wall Ball shots add 1 rep every round

Score the reps of last completed round


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout

Forget Everything and Run/Face Everything and Rise

burpee to jumping lunge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igd9QiZvEMo


5 lateral touch n jump

ab run/bicycles

push-up/ mnt climber

8 jump squat jack

2 min Cap

Sprint 400 or do 35 barbell pullup 35 kb swings


frog jump-half burppe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SV07IkxJ_jk&index=13&list=PLSSw_L0vYTpPuoXtpHYQMBrkDmJFMcUaB

close grip pushups-V-ups

BW SRDL R-L https://youtu.be/PhkDcZe-RyQ

pogo Jump R-L

lateral burppe https://youtu.be/Xiq2Sa51L1A

2 min Cap

Sprint 400 or 40 kb rows R-L


walk it out pushup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEwYL9ULpNc

rabbit jumps- jump squats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy2PWoMvJiI

8 close grip pushups- 4 half burpee repeating

lunge blaster R-L https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYuulV7CyCg

8 jump squat jack-

2 min Cap


Sprint 400 or do 35 tris/bis 35 trx tricep ext 35 trx curls

rest remaining 2 min


burpee to jumping lunge

5 lateral touch n jump

push-up mnt climber

frog jump- run in place

walk it out push up

(start your stopwatch)

Sprint 400 or gambit

5 SA press R-L 10 kb swing 5 inverted row 2x

Cindy Lifts

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout


https://youtu.be/FHlar7mOEAU upper back

set up landmine- floor press – rdl


kb/db halo tricep ext

on back knee hug w ankle rotation R/L

hip cross

inner thigh to hamstring


seal jack

guy warm up set of bench

ladies 30 heel touches abs – 30 bicycle- 30 crunches


10-12 landmine undertaker row R/L https://youtu.be/YmboaqtRxHs

guys 3-6 bench press https://youtu.be/rbNJqbRkbc0 ladies 12- 15 band kick backs https://youtu.be/gKKDgArjwFo


Deloaded Squat 10- 8-6-4 ( 4 x total adding weight in sets 2,3 and 4 ) https://youtu.be/_rh_CEGYs6Y

12-15 Band Resisted Sit up (locked legs) https://youtu.be/V3CDdoEotX8


extra credit

30 R/L

glute raise https://youtu.be/DPbYbbyTIGE

Cindy Squad (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10 min

5 barbell pullup https://youtu.be/1T8olTFWy8s

10 pushups on knee

15 squats on med ball

Level 2

5 barbell pullup feet elevated

10 push up on toes

15 band overhead squats

Level 3 rank Rx plus

5 pullups

10 trx atomic pushups

15 goblet squats black/red

hinge -press– carry-explode-

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout


band ham leg ext front and side

supp pullaprt- up and over

shoulder rotations


Frankenstein walk


5-8 Nordic https://youtu.be/7GEUeZOs04w

sled drag 1.5 X bodyweight

15 facepull https://youtu.be/ocsFf52Gfyk


12- 8-8- 12 RDL https://youtu.be/eF1BpS_s-QU

4 x total adding weight in sets 2,3 of RDL

seated or braced DB shoulder press (use boxes mid back against racked barbell or back against low bar)

farmer walk (ladies do 20 Alt bosu leg curl https://youtu.be/g_gPx29PD54)


12-15 slate raise (stand up taller if legs are smoked) https://youtu.be/DD_H0LjxKeM

10 seated db lat raise negatives up fast down slow


exta credit

15 R side plank raise

15 L side crunch

15 L side plank raise

15 R side crunch

10 R side plank raise

10 L side crunch

10 L side plank raise

10 R side crunch

Interval https://youtu.be/_wNJcuw63zw

Dirty 30

30W-30W-30W-30W rest 30

KB swing

bag punches

Start fish https://youtu.be/Bo9QrEK1RBE

bosu mnt climbers https://youtu.be/_7E9KmDsrbQ



Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout

FGB 6 (AMRAP – Reps)

Barbell Curls

Battle jack https://youtu.be/obcIJjUeq1A

Run n touch Burpee (run turf burpee at each end count burpees)

Bag push (bag 2 ft from wall ) https://youtu.be/_bA0MtcG8gg


3x 1 min each station (record reps completed)

Interval https://youtu.be/_wNJcuw63zw


Alt rope wave w squat- slam


punches- knee strikes


TRX curl- tricep EXT



Ab and Agility section