Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout
MR glutes on peanut
MR release IT band w stick
[during warm up go over Hitting the wall in A.B.C.D
Nightmare (Time)
complete all reps in A. before moving to a. If able to do more the 25 reps on first set of A. B.C.D then need to increase resistance
A. 50/75 pushups (progressions) trx push-ups- toes – L3 band resisted pushup
5 kb tricep ext 5- 5 cadence (yellow/ black )
5 full burpees with handle
4 kb tricep ext 5- 5 cadence
4 full burpees w handle
3 kb tricep ext 5- 5 cadence
3 full burpees handle
B. 50 step ups R-L =1 20/25 {make sure angle is 90 degrees or slightly higher }
15 plank angels
15 wallball
12 plank angels
12 wallball
10 plank angels
10 wallball
C. 50 Gorilla Rows R-L = 1 black/Green
12 TRX wide grip Rows
Sled Run 135/ 205
11 TRX Rows
Sled Run
10 TRX Rows
Sled Run
D. 50 Sea Saw Press Knees on bosu ( 15 lbs/30lbs)
15 jack press 15/30
15 attached band curl
14 jack press
attached band curl
13 jack press
attached band curl
Plug in time and attempt to complete next section
KB tricep ext https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTUbUGyYYVg
Gorilla Rows R-L = 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlrMysLfbjA
15 attached band curl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoQPHpwLptc
Sea Saw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hbs1eNxYTXw
15 weighted low back ext
15 R/L=1 band (feet in) mnt climber yellow/red
15 trx glute bridge w abduction
15 R/L =1 elbow strike plank
elbow strike plank https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGx6sh-1V7w
band mnt climber http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFOHi0rhw5A
glute bridge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTXIt1ZJBCY
8-12 Seated DB Arnold shoulder press https://youtu.be/uwJAMIL8mgk
5-7 Negative pullups low bar https://youtu.be/2V9USNE1wdk
6-8 SA landmine press (deceleration ) https://youtu.be/TeHLgF6WyJU
15-20 Lat pulldown https://youtu.be/6Gv3cq0QnZE
Go Faster pace with this sequence
15-20 band/db pull apart https://youtu.be/uMUB2xrstyA
12-15 band upright row https://youtu.be/bi1gyj2pPXs
20 bench side raise R/L
10 -12 barbell rollout https://youtu.be/_ZxfrZoM6rs
Run 800- 300-200
(run the 800 hard as possible, but be happy, grateful that you have legs to run )