sweat breaker

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training


⏱ 50s Work/10s Rest


∎ TRX Hip Throw [Alternate Sides]

∎ Touchdown

∎ TRX Starfish


◭ Bodyweight

∎ Lateral Shuffle Touch n’ Jump [Horz. Turf]

∎ Burpee to Skater [1:6]

∎ Winged Pushup [2 Scap Raises :1 Pushup]


◭ Kettlebell

∎ KB Air Climber to Ab Pullover [6:1]

∎ KB Side Step Swing

∎ KB 180 Jumping SA Row [2 Rows/Jump]


◭ Everybody

∎ Cupid Shuffle Plank



∎ 8/15cal Assault Bike

∎ Karaoke [2 Turf]

∎ Sprint/Backpedal [Down & Back]

∎ 12 Banded Wood Chopper [Each Side]

∎ 8 Roundhouse [Each Leg]

∎ 8 Knee Strikes [Each Leg]








Hybrid W1 AUX and Terminator

Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training


◭ 20W/10 W [No Rest, Rotate after 4X]

∎ TRX Bicep Curls ➜Bicep Curl Hold

∎ Sit ups [Anchored] ➜ Sit up Hold 45/

∎ DB Should Press ➜ Front Rack Hold

*∎ Wall Sit ➜ Monkey Squats *

[If you came Tues. you can opt to do Row then Row Faster]

∎ Med Ball Russian Twist ➜ MB DeadBug

◭ Do another round with 3X

Terminator [Short] (Time)

∎ 10 Weighted Situps

╸10 Wall Ball Side Twist [Each Side]

∎ 10 TRX Reverse Arm Curls

╸10 TRX Y Raises

∎ 10 Burpee to Box jump

╸Row 400m

✱ Starting at Situps, do every exercise, each round remove the last exercise for the following round ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖

Combo moves

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training

Interval https://youtu.be/_wNJcuw63zw


A. 1 chinup knee tuck 1 jump squat

2 trx rows 2 jump squats

B. 4 jumping lunges 2 box jump

C. 3 Vups 2 pushups

D. 3 kb press 1 front squat

3x last round switch to 30/20

EMOM tricep (Time)

75 tricep ext ever min on the minute stop and do 3 full burpee

EMOM interruption (Time)

100 kb swings

5 box jumps EMOM

EMOM v-ups (Time)

100 vups

every minute do 7 pushups on toes


partner up

sit-up hold 10 sec 3 sit-ups 8sec 3 sit-ups 5 sec 3 situps

30 TRX mnt climbers slow


Heart Stopper

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training


◭ 400 Strength Challenge

◭ Split Reps however desired


∎ 50 Bulgarian Split Squat [Each Side]

∎ 50 Dumbbell Floor Press

∎ 50 Chinups

∎ 50 RDL [12-15 Rep Max Weight]

∎ 50 Pushups

∎ 50 Monkey Squats

∎ 50 Landmine Bent over Row

∎ 50 Bicep Curls [12 rep max weight]


◭ Pick ONE

∎ Run 1 mile


∎ 50 Burpees


∎ 20cal Bike

➜ 15 DB/KB Pullover [3x]

➜ 15 wall balls

➜ Lateral Shuffle Turf [Down & Back]


Tabatta Squad

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training

Tabata Squad (AMRAP – Reps)

◭ [20/10 x 5] 45 sec Rest on Rotation

A ∎ Rower [Calories]

B ∎ Burpees

C ∎ Wall Ball

D ∎ TRX Hip Throw

E ∎ Situp Get Up Press {on bench]

F ∎ Sprint Turf and Back

Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the 5 intervals. Add up lowest number of each exercise for total score.

E.G., 10, 22, 9, 15, 15 = 71



◭ As fast as you possibly can!

∎ 20 Weighted SL V-Ups [Total]

∎ 24 DB Pass through plank

∎ 10/16 Cal Assault Bike

∎ Coach’s Agility 2x

∎ 60 Bench Flutter Kick

∎ 20 Hammer Curls -5 Double Curls


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training

Deadlift Cluster (AMRAP – Reps)

◭ 10 Sets of 4 Reps with 10s between each set

◭ Find a healthy weight and stick with it


RDL Cluster

◭ 10 Sets of 4 Reps with 10s between each set

◭ Find a healthy weight and stick with it

SA Side Landmine Row

◭ Slow, Squeeze Abs and Lats
20 Side Plank Roll [Each Way]

Between EachSide



∎ 15 Waiter Curls [Heavy]

∎ 12 Box Dips [3U3D]

∎ 15 DB Skull Crusher

4x ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Good4u Stuff

∎ 1:00 Couch Stretch [Each Side]

∎ 1:00 PVC Passthroughs


Thunder and Lighting 3

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training

Thunder and Lightning

[30W/5R/20W[arrow]/30R] x3 each

∎ Negative Pull Up

➜ TRX Row

∎ Negative Pushup

➜ Thruster

∎ DB Hamstring Iso Hold

➜ Slider Leg Curl

∎ Negative Weighted Decline Sit-ups

➜ V-ups



◭ 4:00 to Complete Each

∎ 40 TRX Supinated Grip Row

∎ 30 Burpees


∎ 300/350m Row

∎ Sled Run [4 Turf]


∎ 45 SA KB Rows [Each Side]

∎ 45 KB Swings


∎ 15/30 cal Assault Bike

∎ 30 Jack Press

❆ Cooldown Stretch ❆


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training


◭ 6:00 AMRAP

∎ 12 Preacher Curl

∎ 10 Med Ball Deadbug [2s pause]

∎ 15s Braced Plank

◭ 6:00 AMRAP

∎ 12-11-10-9-8-7 -6 -5 BB Strict Press

∎12 Band/DB Rear Delt Fly


Terminator 4 (Time)

∎ 10 Bicycle Crunches [R&L = 1]
╸ Coach’s Agility [ 2 Turf]
∎ 10 Low Bar Chinups
╸10 TRX Pushups
∎ 10 OH Tricep Ext
╸10 Low Back Ext
∎ 10 Box Jump
╸Run 400 [FAST]

✱ Starting at Bicycle Crunch , do every exercise, each round you remove the
last exercise.

Gotta Work the Wheels

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training


MR release – quads glute

Box Back Squat ➜ Goblet Squat ([8 BBS ➜ 12 GS] x 5)

◭ Focus on getting heavy on both.

◭ Go deep on the Goblet.

◭ Adjust Box height as needed.

◭ Minimal rest between BBS & GS
◭ Record your numbers in Wodify.



◭ 3 Rounds of ONE of the following:

∎ 10 Partner Hamstring Curl

➜ Lunge [2 Turf]


∎ 20 DB Hamstring Curl

➜ Lunge [2 Turf]


∎ 35 Band Hamstring Curl

➜ Lunge [2 Turf]


◭ Split

∎ 80 Weighted Glute Bridge with Med Ball

∎ 80 Cossack Squats

❆❆ Cooldown Stretch ❆❆

U Pick

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training


14 Min AMRAP of

∎ 8 Band Glute Kickback [2 Reps, 2 Sec Hold]

∎ 8-12 Your Favorite Lift


Bench Barbell Row

Bench Press

OH Press




∎ 10/ 15 Pushups

∎ Run Turf and Back 2X


∎ 10 Wall Ball

∎ 10 Deadbug


∎ 5/ 10 Assault Bike

∎ 5 Box Jump [ Go Big]


∎ 16 Band Switch Step Chop

∎ 20 Bicycle Crunches
