Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout
pullups to failure
20 lat pulldown
( Do 1 Drop set every round)
6-8 bench press @ 75-80%
drop to 60-55 % then immediately do another set of 6-8
Down and back Turf
FWD lunges
extra credit
10 SL glute bridge
10 plankster
Interval 20/10
jumping band row
full burpee
pick 1 way to die
Death By Rower (Distance)
EMOM row 150 meters add 10 m ER
( so round 2 160m round 3 170m ) until failure score last completed m
Death By burppes (AMRAP – Reps)
Death by burppes start with 10 burppes add a burpee every min score last completed round of burpee
Death by pushups (AMRAP – Reps)
use pushups handle grip or DBs touch chest to cone
start w 10/15 reps add 2 pushup every min until failure
score last completed round of push-ups
Death By Sled (AMRAP – Reps)
Do sled push 1 way with Body weight (restart every 45 sec )
Death by Wall Ball (AMRAP – Reps)
Start with 12 Wall Ball shots add 1 rep every round
Score the reps of last completed round
12-15 RDL
20 attached Band pull apart
5 Leg lift neg then 10 positive