OHP 4.3

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training

BB Strict Overhead Press (4sx10r (Slow Descent))


◭ 20 KB Shrugs after each set OR

◭ 30 Med Ball Squeezes ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

DB Bench Row (4x12r)

∎ Between Each Set do 10 SLRDL Each Side

∎ Last Set Only, Do a Drop Set


∎ 20 Band OH Tricep Ext

∎ 10 TRX Tricep KickBack [ palms up]

∎ 12 Subscap Superman


◭ Pick one way to die-

Go out different this time

Death By Rower (Distance)

EMOM row 150 meters add 10 m ER

( so round 2 160m round 3 170m ) until failure score last completed m

Death by Wall Ball (AMRAP – Reps)

Start with 12 Wall Ball shots with target

add 2 reps every round Score the reps of last completed round

Death By Sled (AMRAP – Reps)

Do sled run 1 way with Body weight (restart every min )

Death by Bike (Calories)

8/12 Cal each Round

challenge 4 min – blitz complex

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training


◭ [20 Work / 10s Turf Shuttle 1x-2x] x8

∎ Russian Twist [Rounds 1-4]

∎ Flutter Kicks [Rounds 5-8]



◭ 4:00 Challenge

∎ 50 Sit up Medball Squeeze

∎ 50 Wall Ball

1:00 Coach Blitz


◭ 4:00 Challenge

∎ 30/40 Pullups

∎ 60 KB Swing

1:00 Coach Blitz


◭ 4:00 Challenge

∎ 40 Thrusters

∎ Sled Run [4 turf]

1:00 Coach Blitz


◭ 4:00 Challenge

∎ 60 KB Row [Total]

∎ 15/25 Cal Bike

1:00 Coach Blitz



◭ [20s Work / 10s Rest] x8 Alternating

∎ Bird Dog Knees Up

∎ Deadbug

❆ Cooldown Stretch ❆

go through the Nightmare to get to the dream

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training

Nightmare (Time)

complete all reps in A. before moving to a.

A. 50/75 Pushups


∎ 5 KB Tricep Extension [5U5D]

∎ 5 Burpees

➜ 4,4 ➜ 3,3

B. 60 Step Ups [Total]


∎ 15 Plank Hip Tap [each side]

∎ 15 Wallball

➜ 12,12 ➜ 10,10

C. 50 Lowbar Pullups or Jumping Pullups


∎ 12 TRX Pushups

∎ Sled Run

➜ 11,Run ➜ 10,Run

D. 50 See Saw Press [Total- Should take at least 3 sets to complete 50]


∎ 30 Band OH Triceps Ext

∎ 15 Rip Saw [Each Way]

➜ 24,12 ➜ 16,8

Plug in time and attempt to complete next section

Coaches Abs (no mercy) (No Measure)


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training

Pick you Favorite

◭ 8:00 AMRAP

◭ Combine your favorite strength move with favorite Ab move

◭ 8-12 reps for Strength / 20 reps for Abs

∎ Squat/DeadLift/RDL/Pullups/OH Press/Bench Press/Dips/ Curls/ Rows ETC…

Comrade (Time)

◭ I go, You go
◭ Alternate doing every other movements through the following movements,
with ONE person working at a time.

∎ 7 Burpee
∎ 7 Overhead Squat
∎ 7 Overhead Weighted Sit-up [Feet Anchor]
∎ 7 Barbell Inverted Row
∎ 7 TRX Hip Toss [Each]
∎ 7 DB/BB Thruster
∎ Horizontal Thrusters [1 Turf] [Can Assist]
7x as a team
∎ Run 800m together!
◭ When back, Crunch until last team finishes run!


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training

Pirates 1 (Time)

∎ Walk the Plank [Slider Walk] [1 Turf]

∎ 10 Barbell Pistol Squat [Each]

∎ 45s Shiver Timber [Weighted Wall Sit]

∎ 5 Cannonball [Burpee Medball Slam]

∎ 8 Mast Climbers [TRX Power pull]

∎ 16 Staggered pushups [Total]

∎ 6 Mast Climber [TRX Power pull]

∎ 12 Staggered Pushups [Total]

∎ 200m Keg Carry [ OTS Medball Run]

∎ Sailors Carry [KB Front Rack Walk]

[Down & back]

∎ 30 Lashes [Rope Slam]



.∎ Pirate Walk [Have Fun] Anytime you take a Water Break

◭ Put You Total Time in when complete

Good for you stuff

1 min Band External Band Rotations [Each Side]

1 min Door Frame Stretch



Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training


7:00 AMRAP

OH press BB or DB 12-8-8-15+

After each set do 5 Dragon Flags or 15 Leg Lifts

*Abs until last person is Done*


Band Hip Toss [Black]

Alt Bag Knee Strikes [ Use Abs]


1. Sally up-down [Sit All the Way Up/Half Way sit-up Holds)

*Squats if you skipped Tuesday*


TRX Tricep Ext [Rig]

Alt Barbel Pistol Squats


2. Watch Me [Touch Down Bottom Start]


DB/ KB Bench Row Right



3. Hollaback [Scissor Each Clap]


KB Shrugs

KB Farmer Walk


4. Crank That [Iso Glute Hold, Pump on SB]

Case of the Mondays

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training


◭ 20W/10R

∎ lateral burpees

∎ jumping lunges


◭ 30W/10Blast/30R&R

A. TRX Rows

➜ TRX Jump Squat

B. Pushups

➜ Up-Down

C. KB Goblet Squat

➜ Sprint in Place



Blast (AMRAP – Reps)

∎ 12 Pullups

∎ 10 KB/DB Thruster

∎ Run 800

∎ 12 Pullups

∎ 10 KB/DB Thruster

∎ Run 400

∎ 12 Pullups

∎ 10 KB/DB Thruster

∎ Run 200

❆ Cooldown Stretch ❆


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training


Choice of Cardio After Each Section

Run 200, Row 300/400, Sled [2 Turf], 12 Lateral Step Over Slam Ball , 12/18 Assault Bike, Fight till Fatigue, Coaches Agility


-12 Concentration Curls [Each Arm]

-12 Close Grip push-ups [Slow Ascent]



-12 Trx Tricep Ext

-24 Plank Band Row [ 4 rows swap arms]



-15 BB OH Pulsing BB Press into 5 Push Press

-10 BB Curl [Slow Descent]



-12 DB/KB OH Tricep Ext [Slow]

-15 Bench Leg Lift



-20 Band Upright Row

-15 Db Lateral Raise [Slow Descent]




Choice of Run the Rack Bicep Curls

50/70 Pushups

100 Sit-ups [ 3 Burpee every time you rest]

Squat 3.2 [Reno 1]

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training

Pre-Exhausted Back Squat (30s/10r ➧ 30s/11 ➧ /12 ➧ /13 ➧ /14 ➧ /15)

◭ 30s WEIGHTED Wall Sit into Unbroken Back Squats.

◭ NO rest between Wall Sit and Back Squat.

◭ No more than 1:00 rest in between sets.
Record Last Squat Weight Used


↹ Transition Movement ↹ (AMRAP – Reps)

▪️50 Band Pullapart [Unbroken]


◭ 8:00 EMOM [Decrease by 1 Rep each time you repeat that side]

◭ DB/KB Weighted

M1: 20 Pulse Lunges [Right]

M2: 20 Pulse Lunges [Left]

M3: 19 Pulse Lunges [Right]

M4: 19 Pulse Lunges [Left]

➜ Continue this pattern for 8:00



∎ 15 Band/DB Hamstring Curl

∎ 15 Attached Band Glute Kickback

∎ 15 Deadstop KB Swings


Thunder and Lighting 3

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training

Thunder and Lightning

30w, 5 sec rest/ 20 of explosive movement- 30 Sec rest

∎ Negative Pull Up

➜ Trx Row

∎ Negative Pushup


∎ Nordic Ham Hold

➜ Slider Leg Curl

∎ Braced Plank



◭ 4:00 to Complete Each

∎ 40 TRX Supinated Grip Row

∎ 30 Burpees


∎ 45/75 Pushups

∎ Sled Run [4 Turf]


∎ 45 SA KB Rows [Each Side]

∎ 45 KB Swings


∎ 15/30 Cal Assault Bike

∎ 30 Jack Press

❆ Cooldown Stretch ❆