Case of the Mondays

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training


◭ 20W/10R

∎ lateral burpees

∎ jumping lunges


◭ 30W/10Blast/30R&R

A. TRX Rows

➜ TRX Jump Squat

B. Pushups

➜ Up-Down

C. KB Goblet Squat

➜ Sprint in Place



Blast (AMRAP – Reps)

∎ 12 Pullups

∎ 10 KB/DB Thruster

∎ Run 800

∎ 12 Pullups

∎ 10 KB/DB Thruster

∎ Run 400

∎ 12 Pullups

∎ 10 KB/DB Thruster

∎ Run 200

❆ Cooldown Stretch ❆

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