Entries by Romen McDonald

Become Better

Become Better Pre-Workout myofascial release upper back and glutes Bootcamp 7 min amrap A. 10 R/L Landmine Curtsy lunge 10 landmine power press https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCEliuc6cPU 10 trx inverted row (1 sec hold) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rf87wQkweKw B. [hook up bands on sled] 15 band slider r-l [red black] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAzuEebR24U 3 burpee to med ball slam { no pushups } […]


pull-push-int LIFT 6-8 db bench press mActivation 8-12 pullups 3x (14) 7/7 bent over row 7 pronated 7 supp 12-15 incline db press 3x *extra credit 15 db fly https://youtu.be/_5_8ikOXw8s 15 attached band pull apart 2-3 30W -15 R decline situps jump rope (tramp) evade punch combo’s wall ball 3x

New Year- New You

New Year- New You Pre-Workout MR glutes on peanut demo dips https://youtu.be/DcxMgoLamy0 New Year New You (Time) terminator format eliminate last exercise after each round until you last round is 10 dips 10 dips 9 trx bicep curls 8 trx jump squats 7 pullups or barbell pullups 6 bench hop R+L=1 5 renegade rows – […]

RDL Hell

RDL Hell LIFT 12 landmine row R/L 8-12 RDL 3x 6-8 landmine SA press R/L (deceleration ) 15 db leg curl https://youtu.be/agTBLStNriw 3x 12-15 band vertical pull (use handles) turf walking SRDL https://youtu.be/o6B7KaAx2lM 3x Blast 30-15(all out) – 15 R standing press- squat press https://youtu.be/F_QpAgQ2U8k rope waves w reverse lunges – switch step https://youtu.be/gOkNuVjNYYQ band […]

Countdown to 2019

Countdown to 2019 Pre-Workout foam roll upper back MR upper back w peanut Interval https://youtu.be/_wNJcuw63zw 20Work /10 rest A. med ball overhead jumping lunge (use wall ball ) med ball slam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vivaW_b_KOw (use slam ball) 4x B. rip saw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRCsdkRZ19c over head band tricep ext 4x C. trx lat jump squat trx wide grip row […]

Beat the clock

Beat the clock Pre-Workout 10-15 low back EXT low back stretch 30 secs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtOtjmUgWQg 30 R/L External Rotation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcyMmZqnXWk coach KB swings Push-up gauge for Beat the Clock If you can do more than 20 perfect push ups stay on toes 10-15 primal setup 10 or less go knees LIFT bench press SS lunge 5-4-3 […]


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout LIFT 8-12 RDL https://youtu.be/eF1BpS_s-QU 12 R/L Band Step ups Trx lucky 4 curl and face pull https://youtu.be/aOFGo_Uk4fM 4x 12 band glute kick back 2x 15- 20 low back ext extra credit do another set * 12 band glute kick back […]

Challenge for change

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout Warm-up finish w abs LIFT 5-8 mActivation DB Bench press (on last set hold bottom of movement as log as possible) https://youtu.be/eBxupKrbvnk deloaded squats 12-8-6-6 https://youtu.be/_rh_CEGYs6Y 4x 500 challenge (Time) 50 prisoner squats 50 pushups 25 slider leg curl 50 […]

Punch Christmas in the face

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout CardioFusion 40W/10R A. jab cross double knee strike https://youtu.be/nqq7ZXlcjk8 B. ALT band resisted step up https://youtu.be/pL8KT5UjAfs C. band assisted pushup clap for advanced) D. plankster E. thruster F bosu crunch https://youtu.be/O_X_xULHSdM 3x 20w/ 10sec W/ 20 sec W 10 sec […]

Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree Pre-Workout practice KB swings https://youtu.be/zb2cMTvIhI4 20 Foam Roller on Glutes Christmas Tree (Time) Round 1 (10) decoration carry (farmer walk – 10 drops each at different location ) sled run 1000 m rower 10 liberty steps R-L Yellow/ Red 10 pullups or barbell pullups Round 2 (20) L3 atomic push-up or L2 push-up […]