Entries by Romen McDonald


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout LIFT 12  min AmRap dips to failure https://youtu.be/DcxMgoLamy0 5 nordic pop up  https://youtu.be/twEv7xtaNpMwalking db lunges (turf and back ) https://youtu.be/xlkeTAkebMc 28’s * (7 low, 7 mid, 7 high, 7 full range) 28s’s * overhead Trciep ext 28 pass off crunches (28 passes) 2x 28’s […]

Challenge for change

Challenge for change Warm-up finish w abs LIFT 5-8 mActivation DB Bench press (on last set hold bottom of movement as log as possible) https://youtu.be/eBxupKrbvnk deloaded squats 12-8-6-6 https://youtu.be/_rh_CEGYs6Y 4x 500 challenge (Time) 50 prisoner squats 50 pushups 25 slider leg curl 50 trx knee tuck (ab motion) 25 jumping pullups 50 Situps med ball […]

Tabatta Squad

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout Pre-Workout practice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDpF7UZCCog do warm up set and find weight for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCEliuc6cPU tabatta squad (AMRAP – Reps) Tabata Rower (Calories unit) 5x Rest 1 minute full Burpee 5x Rest 1 minute Tabata Goblet Squat red/black beast mode purple/ blue 5x […]


LIFT and FGB2 Pre-Workout find height for jumping pullup- use bosu and platform if needed LIFT Everyone AmRap 12 min 12-15 DB leg curl – elevate bench on platform put against the wall 8-12 RDL (rest 30-45 sec after) 4 standing Roman Press – then AMRAP shoulder press 3x Guys AmRap 8 min 15-20- shrugs […]

wall ball Relay

wall ball Relay Pre-Workout practice ski jumper PVC pipe on calfs CardioFusion Set up a relay teams of 4 (wall ball is the "torch" have to pass to each station before moving * starter for Relay * 20 rope slam -20 bicep curls on bosu Spin – up Row pace under 230-200 figure 8 farmer […]


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout Warm Up (No Measure) Foam roll band ankle rotations https://youtu.be/_bSwAqfY_ek dolphin greatest stretch in the world 7×7 (Time) Burpee w pushup RDL landmine or barbell on platform Kb dip in drive 26/44 https://youtu.be/bAL3V0U_sa4 Kb front squat 26/44 ( 2 kbs […]


Pre-exhaust LIFT 12  min AmRap  dips to failure https://youtu.be/DcxMgoLamy0 5 nordic pop up  https://youtu.be/twEv7xtaNpMwalking db lunges (turf and back ) https://youtu.be/xlkeTAkebMc 28’s * (7 low, 7 mid, 7 high, 7 full range) 28s’s * overhead Trciep ext  28 pass off crunches (28 passes) 2x 28’s * BSS lunge https://youtu.be/G8ITj6LGoWQ  2x  menaing go R-L-R-L 60 Split each exercise however desired Back […]

Lift INT

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout Reps AmRap  8 min 8-12 Front Squat https://youtu.be/2RJIStaLWQQ 8-12  Pullups 20/10 banded jump squats https://youtu.be/k-Ju_lcCTjo SS Band Row 3x AmRap 10 min 10 KB/DB  Row R/L walking lunges 20/10 touchdowns https://youtu.be/jTSTBvE_rRc kb pullover (abs)  https://youtu.be/OV3jgMRA3V0 3x Arm blitz  30/20 Band Tricep kick backs https://youtu.be/gKKDgArjwFo Barbell […]

Tabatta Squad

Tabatta Squad Pre-Workout practice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDpF7UZCCog do warm up set and find weight for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCEliuc6cPU tabatta squad (AMRAP – Reps) Tabata Rower (Calories unit) 5x Rest 1 minute full Burpee 5x Rest 1 minute Tabata Goblet Squat red/black beast mode purple/ blue 5x Rest 1 minute Tabata TRX Row Beast Mode jumping Pull-up 5x Rest 1 […]


7×7 Warm Up Foam roll band ankle rotations dolphin greatest stretch in the world 7×7 (Time) Burpee w pushup RDL landmine or barbell on platform Kb dip in drive 26/44 Kb front squat 26/44 ( 2 kbs front rack) Sled run pullups Box jumps 24/30 trc jump squats 7x Reps 12 Bench Glute EXY 25 […]