Entries by Romen McDonald

Prom Queen

Prom Queen Bootcamp 70’s 7 min amrap 20 kb swings 10 med ball slam 15 jack press 4 bear crawls FWD/BWD horizontal turf Black Betty challenge (as many kb row as possible) R-L=1 80’s 8 min amrap 15 band twist 20 bosu curl 15 wall ball row 250 push it (run in place – 2 […]

Ramped up

Ramped up Interval https://youtu.be/_wNJcuw63zw 50/10  med ball crunch and squeeze – scissor mnt climbers  punches -jumping   knee strike  https://youtu.be/3p2jRl311eM elevated plank mnt – plank step off Reverse lunge med ball twist R/L  rope battle jacks- alt waves  on command lat med ball pass  60/20  Heave and retrieve https://youtu.be/UpVG0ShoC54 round house  3 R/ 3L  step jumps – box […]

Rock n Roll

Rock n Roll LIFT warm up  low back ext  scoops frankenstien    A. 6-8 RDL  sled Drag (sled behind you – face fwd- palms up) https://youtu.be/rZHbZn18Efo 3x B. 6-8  bench barbell row 15 doorway pulls 3x Then do A, B another 2x each   do 8-12 on RDL  and 8-12 on bb row 30 band leg curl https://youtu.be/hbS94TxFisk 20 seated ALT DB bicep curl 12-15 barbell front squat https://youtu.be/2RJIStaLWQQ or KB front Squat Sled […]

The Test

The Test Interval https://youtu.be/_wNJcuw63zw 20sec pulsating side plank R then hold side plan 20 sec L plankster on command https://youtu.be/G1NgVYQIyIk 40W-20R -swap moves last 15 sec A. rope in out -rope slam https://youtu.be/MRr3xAfNbOc B. winged push ups – widegrip pushups https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62x-4qKAq5o C. attached band row -squat row D. wall ball – med ball slam https://youtu.be/FUG1Y8u-fZc […]


Pre-exhaust LIFT 12  min AmRap  dips to failure https://youtu.be/DcxMgoLamy0 5 nordic pop up  https://youtu.be/twEv7xtaNpMwalking db lunges (turf and back ) https://youtu.be/xlkeTAkebMc 28’s * (7 low, 7 mid, 7 high, 7 full range) 28s’s * overhead Trciep ext  28 pass off crunches (28 passes) 2x 28’s * BSS lunge https://youtu.be/G8ITj6LGoWQ  2x  menaing go R-L-R-L 60 Split each exercise however desired Back […]

Punisher 2

Punisher 2 Bootcamp Stretch Forced Pushups https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSt2Njjo-W0 3x beast mode (more than 50 push ups add a band) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2XxPwuLXsM Punsisher 2 (Time) farmers walk 35/53 15 box jumps 3x 10 mixed grip pull ups 20 wall balls 3x sled row 400m run 3x 30 full burpees bear Crawl 60 yards Finisher 7 ITY band sequence […]


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville – Squad Workout FGB 6 (AMRAP – Reps) Barbell Curls Battle jack https://youtu.be/obcIJjUeq1A Run n touch Burpee (run turf burpee at each end count burpees) Bag push (bag 2 ft from wall ) https://youtu.be/_bA0MtcG8gg Rower 3x 1 min each station (record reps completed) Interval https://youtu.be/_wNJcuw63zw 20/10 […]


Sqwod Amped Up with Abs Frankenstein walks inner thigh monkey squats dolphins runners stretch iron cross Abs side v -ups 30 sec R-L in and out 30 sec (knee straight or bent) swivel plank 45 sec cannonballs 25 sec bicycles 20 sec rest repeat with 10 sec less on everything Interval https://youtu.be/_wNJcuw63zw round 1 40-20 […]


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville – Squad Workout Mobility (No Measure) Mobility 10 sec band stretches 20 ankle rotations R-L https://youtu.be/_bSwAqfY_ek 10 sec Hip flex-or stretch 2x 10 sec R-L TRX Crossover 2x 20 foam roll IT bands and Calf Ladder (Time) 10 chin ups 10 full burpees drop 2 reps […]


Prevail FGB 6 (AMRAP – Reps) Barbell Curls Battle jack Run n touch Burpee (run turf burpee at each end count burpees) Bag push (bag 2 ft from wall ) Rower 3x 1 min each station (record reps completed) Interval https://youtu.be/_wNJcuw63zw 20/10 Alt rope wave w squat- slam 2x punches- knee strikes 2x TRX curl- […]