Entries by Romen McDonald

Case of the Mondays

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training Squad Hip 2 (No Measure) mid back stretch R clam shell R reverse clam shell R L hip stretch sit up toe touches dolphins best stretch in the world Interval ◭ 20W/10R ∎ lateral burpees ∎ jumping lunges 4x ◭ 30W/10Blast/30R&R A. TRX Rows ➜ TRX […]


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training Bootcamp ◭ Outlast Farmer Carry! ∎ Nascar Style around Turf *Coach Abs when you fail until all are done [100 Flutter Kicks can earn you back into the Race] ∎ Winner is last person carrying ◭ 20-10 ∎ Calf Raise to Band Upright Row ∎ SS […]

go through the Nightmare to get to the dream

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training Nightmare (Time) complete all reps in A. before moving to a. A. 50/75 Pushups a. ∎ 5 KB Tricep Extension [5U5D] ∎ 5 Burpees ➜ 4,4 ➜ 3,3 B. 60 Step Ups [Total] b. ∎ 15 Plank Hip Tap [each side] ∎ 15 Wallball ➜ 12,12 […]

Full Body Blast

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training AMRAP 16:00 AMRAP ∎ 15-20 DB Bench Press / TRX Pushup ∎ FWD Lunges {2 Turf] ∎ 8-12 Pullups / ▬▬▬▬▬ Interval Sally Up Sally Down [Rotate] Squat Situp Anchored Locked out Legs Pushup Reps ∎ 1 Sled Run ∎ 15 Side Plank Raise [ Slow] […]

U Pick

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training LIFT 14 Min AMRAP of ∎ 8 Band Glute Kickback [2 Reps, 2 Sec Hold] ∎ 8-12 Your Favorite Lift Squat Bench Barbell Row Bench Press OH Press Deadlift RDL EMOM ∎ 10/ 15 Pushups ∎ Run Turf and Back 2X 4x ∎ 10 Wall Ball […]

Hybrid W1 AUX and Terminator

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training Interval ◭ 20W/10 W [No Rest, Rotate after 4X] ∎ TRX Bicep Curls ➜Bicep Curl Hold ∎ Weighted Wall Sit [Booty Banded] ➜ Monkey Squats ∎ Sit ups [Legs Anchored] ➜ Half Way Sit up Hold ∎ DB Should Press ➜ Front Rack Hold ◭ Do […]

Hybrid W1 Hams and Reps

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training Reps ∎ 10 DB Leg Curls [20s Hold at Start] ∎ 10 BB RDL 4x ∎ 10 Fire Hydrants [Each][1s Pause] ∎ 10 Attached Band Kick Back [Each] [2s Pause every other rep] 3x ∎ TRX Sled Row [3/4 Turf] ∎ Frog Bound [1/4] Turf ∎ […]

Hybrid W1 Squat 20/10s

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training Front to Back Squat (4sX6r) ◭ Front Squat [Slowest Descent Possible] ◭ Back Squat [Slowest Ascent Possible]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Reps ◭ 20s Work/10s Rest ∎ TRX Jumping Lunges ∎ Medball Slam ∎ Band Sword Chop ∎ Band AR Hold Reverse Lunge [Switch Sides after both moves] ∎ Reverse […]


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training TW2: Metcon (Time) ◭ 1P means one partner works at a time. ◭ On 1P, partners can split reps anyway they want. ◭ Both partners run 100 yards at minute: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 ∎ 4 Switch Step Slam ➜ Burpee 1️⃣1P: 65 calBike ∎ […]

Round 9

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood – Group Training Pre-Workout practice SRDL – use wall or trx if needed TRX stretch https://youtu.be/4PIJb8dHgXk Interval PARTNER UP ∎ 5 Situps – 5 sec halfway hold 4-5 3-5 2-5 1-5 800 m Run 9 Rounds (Time) Section 1: ∎ Pistol Squat [Each Side] ∎ KB push press ∎ […]