Entries by Romen McDonald

Hustle for the Muscle

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout CardioFusion 4 min amrap A. spin up – treadclimber on command B. row regular grip – reverse grip C. 15 Band SRDL – hand agility walk R -L D. step ups – plank step off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOZi4N-a64Y 1x 20-10 A. DB […]

Lose your excuses and you will find results

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout Pre-Workout find weight for bench press 12-15 reps find weight for landmine oblique twist practice rdl NYR 1 min full burpee 18/22 Bootcamp 40-20 A. leg curl slider B. Muti D lunge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbotdQFz9ks 3x C. Bench press or floor press […]

Challenger + go

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout Pre-Workout Challenger Row 500/ 650 20 box jumps 20/30 60 jumping lunges 40 wing push ups 20 Burpee 50 overhead Squats 30 pullups 60 kb swings 40 wall ball 10 med ball get ups Run 100m 3x Go 4 IT […]

Kettlebell Hell

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout NYR extra credit just for showing up on KB hell day Kettlebell Hell (Time) 15 KB Row R-L 26/53 25 KB swings 35/53 run 200 yards 3x 10 kb squat press 26/53 10 TRX leg Curl sled run 100 yards […]

Go getter

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout NYR Sprint full turf and back 3x under 27 sec guys under 31 sec for ladies CardioFusion 20-10 bosu mnt climbers 4x spin 4x seated alt rope swat 4x trx lat jump squats 4x Row 200 bear crawl fwd backward […]

comfort threshold

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout NYR wall sit 1:30 or longer Warm-up Bootcamp max pushups then do max number X 3 in primal pushups wall sit to failure then divide secs/ 2 for goblet squat reps Plank with 45 lbs plate Seconds to reps for […]


Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout NYR 50 decline situps extra credit Pre-Workout practice lat lunge CardioFusion Must do A then B each round switching between 4 min command A. 1 row or 2 Spin or 3 Bosu B. KB sequence 1 https://youtu.be/GV6r-YD8lLw 40 sec each […]

Case of the Mondays

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout Squad Hip 2 (No Measure) mid back stretch R clam shell R reverse clam shell R L hip stretch sit up toe touches dolphins best stretch in the world Interval https://youtu.be/_wNJcuw63zw 20-10 lateral burpees jumping lunges 4x 30 on-10 blast-30 […]

Light em up

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout NYR complete both ladies and guys finisher Pullups to Failure (AMRAP – Reps) Reps 12 Split Squat Lunge R-L – Mod speed lunge w slider https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11dn8Wkogsc 20 one trx handed jump squats 25 kb tricep ext pullups to failure sled […]

All I do is win

Squad Fitness Gardendale, Squad Fitness Homewood, Squad Fitness Huntsville, Squad Fitness Trussville – Squad Workout NYR Challenge emom wall ball get 75 reps or more Warm-up isolated B crunch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_dAs3V1NyY 25 sec R L throw bridge 25 sec R L then 15 sec Cross V ups 30 sec https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr30lpD9pkk bicycles 30 sec mnt climber 30 […]